BabyBump reports: Baby Size ~ 36.8cm (cauliflower). Baby Weight ~ 0.907 kg
This week your baby looks like a thinner, redder, more wrinkled version of what he will look like at birth, but in the next few weeks more fat will fill out his appearance. Your baby’s immune system is continuing to mature as are your baby’s lungs which are still practicing breathing amniotic fluid.
It seems like it wasn’t too long ago when I was having a minor breakdown from not feeling any kicks to feeling kicks all over my belly today. Not sure if it’s psychological but it feels like Junior has been kicking a lot more vigorously since I’ve started taking the medication that the doctor prescribed for my hypo-thyroid condition that was diagnosed in late March. Hopefully the euthyrox is helping to increase the hormone production and increasing our overall energy levels.
Hypo-thyroid, according to the Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy, occurs when the thyroid doesn’t produce enough hormones. This causes the mother to feel tired and sluggish. If untreated, signs and symptoms can include increased sensitivity to cold, constipation, pale and dry skin, a puffy face, weight gain, a hoarse voice, elevated blood cholesterol levels and depression. But what scared me most was when I read “Babies born to women with thyroid disease may have a higher risk of birth defects than do babies born to healthy mothers. Proper thyroid hormone replacement is required for the normal development of a baby’s brain.”
As if I needed more things (on top of being unable to completely withdraw from the occasional cup of coffee) to make me feel guilty about not being a good mother. =P