According to the BabyBump app on my iPhone, I should have felt some flutters by Day 126. The message showed up right around our Tokyo babymoon and I started to tear up. I managed to control the initial welling of emotions so I don’t think Wen realized how disturbed I was by the non-flutters until I felt teary again later that same day (and told him about it). He proceeded to do some quick research and reassured me that my high placenta position and this being our first baby makes it perfectly normal not to feel any kicks until even the 5th or 6th month.
Unfortunately, it certainly didn’t help that Day 135 said “By now, baby has started moving around in your tummy, and you’re probably wondering what on earth he/she is doing in there.” Yeah, thanks. Now I’m wondering if my baby is truly healthy because I’m not sure I’ve felt any movement. So I console myself that the baby must be kicking my bladder and causing that need to pee every other hour. Or maybe the slight soreness and indigestion I feel is really the baby kicking around. But mainly, I think I’m just so clueless that I need to literally see a slight imprint of his foot on my tummy (from inside out) to really feel his kick.
Whatever the reason, I definitely cannot imagine or be sympathetic to any complaints from pregnant women about the kicks they feel from their baby. It must be one of the top ten best moments for a mother and I can’t wait to say “Yes! That’s definitely a kick!”
I too am waiting for the time when I can say that was a real kick
I think that you will recognize it soon…and when it happens, you will wish it didn’t have such a strong kick hehe….
Thanks Stef! Well I’m thinking a strong kick equals a strong baby. heh…