Baby names

Have you chosen a name?” is now the most popular question asked by friends and family.  Since we still have two months to go, G and I aren’t too worried that we haven’t come up with the perfect name.  Technically, we also have two weeks after birth to pick a name and turn in Jr’s registration papers.  So it may come to down to pulling an all-nighter before the deadline, furiously brainstorming over a pot of coffee (just like my college days).

Naming is an important task.  In the hierarchy of ways to emotional traumatize children, I’d rank choosing the wrong name close to the very top.  Other kids can be very creative in coming up with not-so-nice nicknames, so it’s no wonder that there are scores of websites and books available to help keep parents from inadvertently choosing names like Richard, Woody, or Fanny.  In fact the last chapter of Freakonomics discusses the socio-economic impact a name has, and the importance of timeliness.

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Busy weekend, lazy week…

Mango Egg Yolks

This past weekend was a festive chaos of cooking gone wild, family dinner night, an aborted attempt to relive my youth, friends’ baby birthday, and the Lion King.  In no particular order, I learned that:

  • the Koreans have created a near-perfect venting system for their bbq
  • there are restaurants in Singapore that don’t allow children – shame on you Kuriya!
  • the in-laws now ask with every new dish – was this cooked sous vide?
  • egg yolk-sized spheres are easy to make
  • the Lion King musical rocks.  Go see it.  Seriously.  And if you don’t want, hakuna matata
  • I’m definitely too old to stay out past midnight.
  • there are at least three different types of baby wipes: oil-based, water-based, and for the hands/mouth
  • bacon makes food taste better (not new, but always worth stating)
  • Perla’s pastry makes a fruit tart that’s almost as good as La Farine

So after a hectic month and a weekend chock full of activities, G and I are off to Bali for babymoon, part deux.  Since we both have excess vacation days and we’ll likely not have any time to ourselves in the foreseeable future, now’s the time for a quick getaway to veg on sandy beaches that weren’t man made.  See you all in a week!

Haul from a baby fair

We were tipped off on a baby fair at Takashimaya (thank you, I!) and made our way there yesterday with our excel list of eighty or so to-buys. The fair was at the B2 floor open area with a decent crowd. We weren’t sure where to start but decided pretty quickly that the stroller variety was not quite satisfactory. More importantly, we were still a few months away from delivery and didn’t have to rush into buying the big-ticket items just yet.

Still, we made a reasonable dent in our list at the Pigeon booth where we spent slightly over $300 on just baby wipes, nursing pads and a bottle steaming sterilizer pack. According to the recommendations on the list, Pigeon wipes and nursing pads are best value for money.

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